The Turbo Golf Racing: Deep Space Bundle contains the base game and a range of cosmetics.
This pack includes:
● Turbo Golf Racing base game
● All the exclusive cosmetic items from the Tech Jet Supporters Pack and Space Explorer’s Galactic Ball Set:
○ Tech Jet (Legendary Body)
○ Nanotech (Legendary Shield)
○ Air Stream (Legendary Boost)
○ Freighter (Legendary Spoiler)
○ Sonar (Epic Decal)
○ Titan (Epic Ball)
○ Friction (Epic Wheels)
○ Techy (Epic Finish)
○ Hot Gas (Legendary Ball)
○ Black Abyss (Legendary Ball)
○ Globey (Epic Ball)
○ Blue Dot (Epic Ball)
○ Big Cheese (Epic Ball)
○ Boopiter (Rare Ball)
○ Red Planet (Rare Ball)